
These tutorials introduce you to all the features of Fathom in a variety of contexts. They’re written assuming that they would be done in order, gradually working through the all of Fathom’s functions. You may choose to use the tutorials differently—jumping from topic to topic, for example—but note that in later tutorials, you will need to know the basics that were covered in the first tutorials.

Consider doing a couple of tutorials, and then using Fathom for a while to get used to the basics before doing later tutorials.

Exploring Data—
Census at Schools

CensusAtSchool collects data from the United Kingdom, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to navigate around Fathom and make and use graphs while exploring this data.

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Data and Prediction—
Arm Span

This tutorial focuses on relationships between numeric data and linearity. How is height related to arm span or other kinds of measurements? Which measurements allow us to best predict someone’s arm span?

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Importing U.S.
Census Microdata

In this tutorial, you will import into Fathom samples of United States of America census microdata from 1850 to 2000. You will then use these data to explore many characteristics of the American people.

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Using Formulas to Explore
the Planets

Use formulas to define new attributes and plot functions. Compute the density of our solar system’s planets, and discover the relationship between a planet’s distance from the sun and the length of its year.

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Generating Mathematics—Change Playground

This tutorial also focuses on using formulas to define new attributes, but this time you’ll work in a purely mathematical context, learning how to calculate change using Fathom’s prev” function.

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Polling Voters

Simulate a population of voters, a certain proportion of whom will vote in favor of a particular proposition. You’ll see how accurately a random sample of voters can predict the outcome of an election.

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Testing a Hypothesis—
Plant Growth

In this tutorial, you’ll learn to use a t-test in the context of a classic Darwin experiment involving growing snapdragons and measuring their heights.

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How Fast Do You Walk?—Measuring Distance with Sensors

In this tutorial, you’ll gather data from a motion sensor. You’ll then construct a mathematical model of the physical situation.

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Numerical Integration—The Elevator Experiment

Sometimes the purpose of gathering data is to compute some quantity from the data. In this tutorial, you’ll use data supplied by a force probe to find the distance traveled.

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Typing Tutor Experiment

Ever wondered which keyboard keys give you the most trouble? For example, which ones take the longest to reach? Use Fathom to find out. Turn a collection into an experiment recording which keys you type and how long it takes to type them.

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Testing for Independence—Pets and Sports

Combine classic statistical inference techniques with a computer-intensive method called scrambling. Simulate the null hypothesis to make a distribution, and plug the data into a chi-square test for independence.

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Cooling Water—Measure Temperature Over Time

In this tutorial, you’ll gather data from a temperature sensor. As the data are being gathered, you’ll construct a mathematical model of the physical situation and determine whether the model fits the data.

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Timing with Photogates

Suppose you want to measure precisely how long it takes an object to travel a certain distance. You could use a stopwatch, but you would have a lot of reaction-time error. When a photogate’s light is blocked, it triggers a timer with an error of less than a millisecond. In this tutorial, you’ll set up a pair of photogates to make this measurement.

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