Prevent Graph Axes from Automatically Rescaling

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How To... > Work with Graphs > Prevent Graph Axes from Automatically Rescaling


When cases are added to a collection, Fathom checks the bounds of axes of graphs of the data in that collection to make sure all the data will show on the graph. Usually this is a good thing, but there are times when you would like the bounds of the graph’s axes to remain fixed while cases are added, for example, if you are collecting measures to build a sampling distribution, and you want to watch the graph as it grows.


1.Double-click the graph, to show its inspector (if necessary, go to the Properties panel).

Each axis of the inspected graph has a property for auto rescaling. By default, these are set to true.

2.Set these to false for each axis you want to set.

Fathom will not change that axis’s bounds automatically, but you can change it manually either by dragging or by choosing Graph | Rescale Graph Axes.

To reverse this, enter true.

See also

Change Axes Numerically

Graph Properties Panel