Text Passages

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Sample Documents > Language and the Arts > Text Passages

Each of these documents includes the full text, one character per case, of a portion of a speech or literary work. Can you characterize the difference in distributions of letters for different writers? Can you figure out how to get the distribution of word lengths and compare those distributions?

Document name




Data from Language Arts with 1646 cases, 1 attribute. Useful for Activity, Project

A portion of George H. W. Bush’s inaugural address broken down so that each character is a case. Compare with other president’s speeches or other literary documents.


Data from Language Arts with 1060 cases, 1 attribute. Useful for Activity, Project

The first two paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence, one character per case.


Data from Language Arts with 1211 cases, 1 attribute. Useful for Activity, Project

The first two paragraphs of Don Quixote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes, in Spanish, one character per case.


Data from Language Arts with 1169 cases, 1 attribute. Useful for Activity, Project

The first stanza from Goethe’s Faust, in German, one character per case.


Data from Language Arts with 1443 cases, 1 attribute. Useful for Activity, Project

The Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln, 1863, one character per case.


Data from Language Arts with 1271 cases, 1 attribute. Useful for Activity, Project

The first three paragraphs of The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway, with one character per case.