Sample Documents

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Over 300 sample documents come with Fathom. They are drawn from content areas including calculus, painting, economics, popular culture, and biology, to name a very few. Some contain collections of thousands of cases and many attributes, while others contain just a few cases and perhaps a single attribute. In addition to data, some documents illustrate a mathematical or statistical concept, while others demonstrate useful techniques in Fathom.

Under most operating systems and browsers, you should be able to click the document name to open the document in Fathom.

Finding documents relevant to a particular need can be difficult. Here are three useful techniques:

The documents are listed here in Fathom Help in the same way they are grouped in the Sample Documents folder. Look for documents under the heading that seems most appropriate to your need.

Use Fathom Help’s Search capability. For example, if you are looking for documents that illustrate use of confidence intervals for proportions, try searching for “proportion.”

There is a Fathom document, Sample Documents, that lists all the documents, one to a case. You can use graphical and filtering techniques with this collection to help find what you are looking for (or to prove that it doesn’t exist). For example, the filter includes(Description, “population”) might be helpful in looking for data on population growth.



Fathom Techniques

Language and the Arts



Social Science



Teaching Math with Fathom