Hypothesis Testing

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Sample Documents > Statistics > Inference > Hypothesis Testing

This folder contains two subfolders:


Non-parametric Tests

Document name




Demonstration from Statistics with 1 case, 10 attributes. Useful for Activity, Demonstration

Gives a graphical response to changes in pValues created by animating a slider.


Data from Space Science with 24 cases, 3 attributes. Useful for Activity

Contains O-ring data from Challenger flights.

Compare Means Activity

Simulation from Statistics with 20 cases, 2 attributes. Useful for Activity, Demonstration

Allows manipulation of data points to observe effect on compare means test.


Simulation from Statistics with 20 cases, 2 attributes. Useful for Activity, Demonstration

Provides an environment for varying parameters involved in sampling to compare means.

Difference of Means

Simulation from Statistics with 100 cases, 2 attributes. Useful for Demonstration

Provides an environment with sliders for repeated generation of samples with two groups to look at the distribution of collected differences of means.


Simulation from Sports with 139 cases, 3 attributes. Useful for Demonstration

Explores how likely streaks of various lengths are in a season for a player with a particular batting average.


Demonstration from Statistics with 199 cases, 10 attributes. Useful for Demonstration

Demonstrates a method for comparing an observed distribution with an expected one.


Simulation from Statistics with 20 cases, 1 attribute. Useful for Activity, Demonstration

Uses simulation to get at the meaning of power.

Scrambled t-test

Simulation from Statistics with 20 cases, 2 attributes. Useful for Activity, Demonstration

Applies a t-test to two groups of numbers that have been scrambled to guarantee independence. Looks at the proportion of time the test yields a false positive.


Project from History with 366 cases, 7 attributes. Useful for Project

Contains the infamous 1970 draft lottery data and serves as an example of what a student project might look like.

Z Test

Demonstration from Statistics with 25 cases, 1 attribute. Useful for Activity, Demonstration

Shows how to compute a p-value for a Z-test and display the hypothetical distribution of sample means. Would be good for students to build.