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Sample Documents > Mathematics > Geometry

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Data with 92 cases, 11 attributes. Useful for Project.

Characteristics of Johnson solids: all non-uniform convex polyhedra with regular faces and equal edges.

Random Triangle

Demonstration from Probability, Geometry with 1 case with 8 attributes. Useful for Demonstration

Simulation of breaking a stick in two places and determining if they can make a triangle. Visualized with plot of segment lengths.


Demonstration from Probability, Geometry, Chaos with 5000 cases, 3 attributes. Useful for Demonstration, Project

Carries Sierpinski triangles to the next number of vertices


Demonstration from Probability, Geometry, Chaos with 4000 cases, 3 attributes. Useful for Demonstration, Project

Simulates the process of generating a Sierpinski triangle by movement toward a randomly chosen vertex.