Write a Filter

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How To... > Work with Formulas > Write a Filter

The basic idea is to add the filter to an object that has cases in it. When you first add a filter, the formula editor appears.

Some objects have places for filters, which are the white areas at the bottom, inside the border.

Note: Adding a filter to a collection will apply the filter to all objects connected to that collection (such as tables and graphs); if you want to filter just one object, add the filter to that object. (see Filter a Graph.)

1.Make the object active by clicking in it. You should see its border.
2.Choose Add Filter from the Object menu. The formula editor appears.
3.Enter the formula. Be sure to enclose any strings in quotes, as shown here:



4.Close the formula editor. The object will now show only cases where the filter is true.

Edit a filter by double-clicking it.

To remove the filter, choose Object | Remove Filter or edit the filter and erase it.

Filters are always Boolean expressions; see Make Boolean Expressions.

For complicated filters, you may need Boolean operators (and, or, and not); see Operators.

See also

Work with the Formula Editor

Make a Non-numeric Slider and Use It in a Filter