Add Student Users

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How To... > Work with Surveys > Manage User Accounts > Add Student Users

Instructors can create surveys and they create students who are given permission to take these surveys. Typically, an instructor will create a single “generic” student, or a single student per class. Anyone who logs on to Fathom Surveys as this student can take the surveys created by the instructor.


To create student accounts (for example, one student user for each class you teach), you must have an instructor account.

1.Log in to the Fathom Surveys website using your instructor username and password.


2.Follow the Student link.


3.Click Add a Student Account. You must enter the student’s username and password. It is not necessary to provide an organization, first name, last name, or email address. Note that by default you should not allow students to upload surveys.




Keep track of passwords you assign to students. You cannot retrieve a password from Fathom Surveys if you forget it, but you can always assign a new password.

See also

Allow a Student to Upload Surveys

Update User Information