Test for Independence from Raw Data

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How To... > Work with Statistical Objects > Test Hypotheses > Test for Independence from Raw Data


Suppose you have two categorical attributes and you want to know if there is any relationship between the two. For example, a school has 70 teachers in three divisions: lower, middle, and upper. You want to know whether or not a teacher’s assignment by division is independent of sex.

1.Create a new test by dragging one from the shelf or by choosing Object | New | Hypothesis Test.
2.From the test’s pop-up menu, choose Test for Independence.
3.Drop each of the attributes on the prompt of the test.

The results for the Teachers example are shown here (in nonverbose mode). It looks like there may be some discrimination going on!

The test object computes what the count would be for each cell if the two attributes were independent. These expected counts are shown in parentheses. When the expected counts in cells drop below five, the goodness of fit test is no longer very accurate. Fathom warns you about this.