Measures Panel

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Fathom Reference > Inspector Panels > Measures Panel

The Measures panel is where you define measures that apply to the collection as a whole. Measures have a number of important uses.


Define a constant you wish to use in attribute formulas.

Compute a quantity you are interested in but don’t want to put in a graph or summary table.

Define intermediate values you would like to refer to by name in attribute formulas.

Define quantities you would like to collect in a simulation. See Collect Measures and Other Results.



Following are things that you can do in the Measures panel and how to do them.

Create a new measure.

Click in the <new> cell in the Measure column and type the name of the new measure. Measure names have the same restrictions that attributes names have (see Tips for Naming Attributes). (Also see Define a Measure.)

Change the name of a measure.

Double-click the measure name and edit.

Delete a measure.

Right-click (Win) Ctrl-click (Mac) the measure’s name. Choose Delete Measure from the context menu.

Edit a measure’s value.

Click in the corresponding cell in the Value column. Note: You cannot directly edit the value of a measure that is computed by formula.

Give a measure a formula.

Double-click the formula cell for the measure, and create the desired formula in the formula editor.

Edit an existing formula.

Double-click the formula cell for the measure and use the formula editor to edit the formula.

Remove the formula for a measure.

Right-click (Win) Ctrl-click (Mac) on the measure, and choose Clear Formula from the context menu.

Change column widths or row heights.

Drag boundaries in the column header or row header area.

Collect measures in a new collection.

Make a new, empty collection. Drag a measure name from the inspector into the new collection. The new collection will gather five cases whose attributes are the measures of the original collection. The most common use of a collection’s measures is for building a sampling distribution. See Collect Measures and Other Results.