Cases Panel

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Fathom Reference > Inspector Panels > Cases Panel


The Cases panel displays all the case attributes for a collection, and it displays the values for those attributes one case at a time. Why, you ask, would you need this, given that you can use a case table to display much more data? Here are some advantages of the Cases panel:

A Cases panel can display all the attributes compactly. By making the inspector tall and skinny, you can use it as a kind of attribute palette.

An inspector floats above the document and doesn’t take up space in the document. Displayed in a Cases panel, the attributes are always available for dragging, no matter what part of the document you’re looking at.

The compact display makes it easier to rearrange attribute order than it is in a case table.

Below are things that you can do in the Cases panel and how to do them.

Move from one case to the next.

Click the left or right arrows at the bottom left of the panel.

Move to the next or previous selected case.

Press Ctrl (Win) Option (Mac) while clicking the left or right arrow button.

Edit a value.

Click in the cell that contains the value you want to edit.

Edit an attribute’s formula.

Double-click the formula cell for the attribute.

Change the width of columns.

In the column header area, drag the boundary between columns.

Change the height of rows.

In the row header area, drag the boundary between rows.

Use an attribute in a graph or summary table.

Position the mouse pointer over the attribute name. Drag the attribute from the inspector and drop it on the desired place in the graph or summary table.

Rename an Attribute in a Collection’s Inspector.

Double-click the attribute name and type a new name.

Add an Attribute to a Collection.

Click in the <new> cell at the bottom of the list of attributes. Type the name of the new attribute. See Tips for Naming Attributes.

Delete an Attribute in an Inspector.

Right-click (Win) Ctrl-click (Mac) to bring up a context menu and choose Delete Attribute.

Change the order of attributes.

Drag an attribute up or down, paying attention to the highlighting that indicates where the attribute will be placed when you release the mouse.

Add cases to the collection.

Right-click (Win) Ctrl-click (Mac) to bring up a context menu and choose New Cases.

Manage Units in the Collection’s Inspector.

Click the Show Details button. Select the attribute. Type the name of the desired unit in the Units field or change the unit that is there.

Create a Category Set from Existing Values.

Click the Show Details button, and select the attribute. Choose Generate from Values from the Set pop-up menu.

Create a New Category Set and Apply It to an Attribute.

Click the Show Details button, and select the attribute. Choose the name of the desired category set from the Set pop-up menu.

Remove a Category Set from an Attribute.

Click the Show Details button, and select the attribute. Choose None from the Set pop-up menu.