Distribution Functions

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Fathom Reference > Fathom Operators, Functions, and Units > Distribution Functions

Distribution functions give you access to statistical distributions. You can use distribution functions as part of case functions or as part of aggregate functions. Each distribution has three functions associated with it:

A cumulative function returns the integral of the probability distribution from its lower bound up to a given value, x. This function is typically used to determine the likelihood that a value as extreme as, or more extreme than, some observed value would occur.



A density function returns the probability density of the distribution at a given value, x. You can plot this function to see the shape of the distribution.



A quantile function returns the value whose cumulative probability is equal to a given value, c. You can use this function to, for example, determine the critical value for a test statistic. You can think about it with reference to a standardized test in which you are interested in the score on the test corresponding to some percentile. A quantile function returns the score.



See also

Plot a Distribution Over a Histogram



Binomial Distribution

Chi-Square Distribution

Exponential Distribution


Geometric Distribution

Normal Distribution

Other Distributions