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Fathom Reference > Fathom Menus > File Menu > Save

Saves whatever changes have been made to the current document since the last time it was saved. If the document is being saved for the first time, Save prompts you for a name and allows you to determine where (in what folder) the file will be saved (see Save As).

This command is enabled only if you’ve made changes in the document since the last time you saved it.


Whenever you import, add, or change data, it’s especially important for you to save the data (by saving the document). Because it’s easy to change data in Fathom (for example, by dragging data in a graph), you may need to be able to use Revert Collection. This command is not available unless the data were saved after being created or imported. Although you can Undo your way back to the original data, you also have to undo everything, such as creating graphs and such. Revert is handier.


Shortcut: Win: Ctrl+S; Mac: z+S