Error Messages for Formulas

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Troubleshooting > Problems with Formulas > Error Messages for Formulas

Here is a list of formula error messages and what they mean.

#Name not recognized#

You have referred to a symbol that Fathom doesn’t recognize. For example, you may have misspelled the name of an attribute.

#Type(s) incompatible#

You have given a function an argument of the wrong type. For example, sin("hello") gives this error.

#Argument count error#

You’ve given a function the wrong number of arguments. For example, even(3, 4, 5) gives this error.

#Domain error#

You’ve tried to evaluate a function outside its domain. For example, percentile(110, height) returns this error because percentiles must be between 0 and 100.

#Circular reference#

You’ve used the attribute you’re defining in the formula (perhaps indirectly, through another attribute).

#Format error#

Something is wrong with the way the formula is written. For example, x < ? will produce this error.

#Units incompatible#

You are performing calculations with incompatible units, or some elements in the calculation require units you neglected to enter.

#Evaluation error#

This is a catchall used when Fathom cannot otherwise explain why the formula did not produce a result.