Enter Summary Statistics in Statistical Inference Objects

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How To... > Work with Statistical Objects > Enter Summary Statistics in Statistical Inference Objects

All estimates and most tests can produce results from summary statistics. The blue fields are editable. For most fields, simply select the text in the field by double-clicking, type the value, and press Enter or Return.

Some fields have a pop-up menu from which you can choose, say, a direction for a one-sided test or a category of interest from a proportions test or estimate.

You can tell which kind of field each is by holding your cursor over a nugget. If the cursor is the text edit
i-beam, double-click to select it; if the cursor turns white and acquires a little black triangle to the right, the field is a pop-up menu.

Once you’ve edited the first field, you can press Tab to move to the next field. (Shift+Tab moves you back one field.)