Duplicate a Survey

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How To... > Work with Surveys > Use Fathom  Surveys > Duplicate a Survey

Suppose you want to give a survey you’ve created to a second group, but with minor changes to it. Instead of re-creating the whole thing from scratch, you can copy your survey and paste it as a new survey. Select the collection and choose Edit | Copy Collection.


1.Click in a blank place in the document or make a new Fathom document if you want the surveys in separate documents.

2.Choose Edit | Paste Collection. Rename the collection by double-clicking its name and typing a new name.

3.If the original collection had cases in it, you should delete them in the new collection by choosing Edit | Select All Cases, then choosing Edit | Delete Cases.

The new collection retains all the survey information of the old collection, but it has not yet been stored on the Fathom Surveys website. You can change it however you wish.