Create a New Category Set and Apply It to an Attribute

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How To... > Work with Collections > Control Behavior of Categorical Attributes Using Category Sets > Create a New Category Set and Apply It to an Attribute

The easiest way to create a category set that applies to an attribute is to Create a Category Set from Existing Values. But often you want to create the category set first and then apply it to one or more attributes.


1.Show the collection inspector by double-clicking the collection or by selecting the collection or a case table and choosing Object | Inspect Collection.
2.Click Categories to go to that panel.
3.Click <new> and name the category set. (Press Enter or Return to create more than one.)


4.Click in the Categories cell for a set, and type the categories, in the order you want them to appear in graphs and such, separated by commas.

This creates the sets; now they need to be applied to attributes.

5.Go to the inspector’s Cases panel.
6.Click Show Details. (If the button says Hide Details, then details are already showing; the button toggles between the two states.)
7.Select one or more attributes (Shift+click), and choose a set name from the Set pop-up menu.

Here, the set indicating level of interest is applied to four attributes.
