Apply a Unit Using the Units Row

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How To... > Work with Case Tables > Manage Units in a Case Table > Apply a Unit Using the Units Row

Suppose you have data in Fathom that should have units. You can use the units row in the case table to apply a unit to an attribute without having to add it to each value. (If you don’t have a case table, you can also Manage Units in the Collection’s Inspector.)




1.If the units row is not already showing, show it by choosing Table | Show Units (the case table must be selected to enable the Table menu).
2.Type the unit’s name, or a recognized abbreviation, in the unit cell for the attribute to which you want to assign the unit.
3.Press Enter or Return.

The long form of the unit appears in the unit cell, and each value has the short form of the unit appended to it.

If you apply a unit Fathom doesn’t recognize, Fathom responds with a dialog box asking whether or not you want to use your unit. You can invent new units, but Fathom will not automatically convert them (do conversions by defining a formula for a new attribute).

For a list of built-in units and recognized abbreviations, see Units. Watch a movie about Working with Units.