Animate a Slider

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How To... > Work with Dynamic Parameters (Sliders) > Animate a Slider

Click the green animation button on the slider_img399The button changes to_img400.


If the slider’s value is not defined by a formula, the slider thumb will move back and forth between the ends of the slider axis, and the value corresponding to the slider will change accordingly. Any formula containing the slider’s name will be recalculated, and all views of it will update.


To stop the animation, click the _img400 button. You can also stop all animations by pressing the Esc key on your keyboard. (Sometimes you have to press Esc twice.)

While an animation is taking place, you can go ahead and do other things in Fathom (but the response might be a bit slow).


See also

Change a Slider’s Animation Speed

Restrict the Values a Slider Can Take